Prevent Child Abuse Utah

Train-the-Trainer Program

This comprehensive training program addresses a broad spectrum of crucial topics related to child abuse, equipping participants with essential knowledge to teach the skills necessary to protect children's well-being.

Looking for the FREE training "A Guide for Parents & Adults Working with Youth"? Learn how to recognize and report child abuse.
Here is the FREE training
Train the trainer in classroom

Key Concepts Covered

Forms of Child Abuse

Different forms of child abuse are covered, from physical and emotional abuse to neglect and exploitation.

The Lasting Effects

The program delves into the profound and lasting effects of abuse on children's physical, emotional, and psychological development.


Effective prevention strategies are discussed, emphasizing proactive measures to create safe environments for children.

Mandated Reporting

Mandated reporting laws are thoroughly covered, ensuring participants understand their legal responsibilities in cases of suspected abuse.


Intervention techniques are taught through interactive workshops, where participants engage in hands-on learning, case studies, and role-playing exercises.

Knowledge is Power

Through these dynamic learning experiences, participants gain a deep understanding of the concepts and acquire practical skills to safeguard children from harm.

Course List

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